Producer’s Best Friend

Producer’s Best Friend creates a formatted .xls spreadsheet report (for Numbers, Excel, Preview, etc.) about the video clips, audio clips, titles, generators, markers, keywords, effects, and transitions you've used in Final Cut Pro X (10.0.6 or later). Producer’s Best Friend reports on Clips in an Event, Compound Clip or Project timelines.

The report includes sheets for:

Producer’s Best Friend can generate music use reports as well as Video and Audio Effects, Roles and Subroles, Transitions and Markers directly to a fully formatted spreadsheet, without the convoluted use of an EDL or copy/paste techniques. Producer’s Best Friend can generate music use reports as well as Video and Audio Effects, Roles and Subroles, Transitions and Markers directly to a fully formatted spreadsheet, without the convoluted use of an EDL or copy/paste techniques. Background and release. On December 4, 2020, 'Best Friend' was released prematurely on streaming platforms. Saweetie later took to social media to express her disappointment in her record label, Warner Records, in regards to handling the release.

  • Summary,
  • Clips,
  • Roles and Subroles,
  • Markers,
  • Keywords,
  • Video Effects,
  • Audio Effects, and
  • Transitions.

Producer’s Best Friend takes the tedious work out of creating all kinds of clip usage reports. Report on clips in an Event (like Batch List in Final Cut Pro 7), clips in a Compound Clip or clips in a Project.

Producer’s Best Friend can generate music use reports as well as Video and Audio Effects, Roles and Subroles, Transitions and Markers directly to a fully formatted spreadsheet, without the convoluted use of an EDL or copy/paste techniques.

Producer's Best Friend Book

You can choose which Roles to include in the report (Video, Titles, Dialogue, Music, Effects, and any roles and subroles you’ve created), and Preferences lets you choose whether times are displayed as seconds, frames, feet+frames or HH:MM:SS:FF timecode format.

Best friend lyrics

Best Friend Rex Lyrics

Producer’s Best FriendFriend

For just $99.99 Producer’s Best Friend extracts all the information from an XML export of your Events, Compound Clips or Projects and formats it in an Excel spreadsheet in seconds. Why spend days doing a boring task when it can take minutes?


Producer’s Best Friend

Final Cut Pro version 10.1 and OS X 10.7 Lion or later.